ARHAT is dedicated to assisting scholars and researchers in the history of astrology in finding resources. The following is the result of many people collaborating in this area and compiling the following material. Robert Hand and Arhat Media, Inc., are not responsible for the accuracy of information or type of content contained within these libraries and resources. Historical texts contain information from a wide variety of religions, cultures, governments and peoples around the world from ancient to modern times. As researchers we maintain academic merit and objectivity through a rigorous process of peer review.
C.U.R.A. The International Astrology Research Center
Digital International Astrology Library (DIAL)
I have placed these two websites of Patrice Guinard at the head of this section because of their importance to astrology in general and to the study of ancient, medieval and early modern astrology in particular. The C.U.R.A. website is a leading forum for astrological research as well as philosophical speculation. And the D.I.A.L. website, which is attached to the C.U.R.A. website, represents an incredible job of locating astrological texts on the websites of major European libraries. While a knowledge of Latin and/or other ancient languages is helpful, there are also a number of texts in English and other modern languages. No serious student in this field can afford to ignore this website.
Early Manuscripts at Oxford University
A collection of manuscripts on various subjects including astrology from the Oxford University Library System. All of these are in Latin and written in Gothic hands. Not for those unfamiliar with Latin Paleography.
Johannes A Lasco Bibliothek * -- The Main Catalog
The Camerarius Ptolemy * including the Almagest, and Tetrabiblos.
The 1550 Basel Edition of Bonatti * which also includes George of Trebizond's Commentary on the Tetrabiblos.
Morinus Astrologia Gallica * -- From a Library in the Czech Republic
The Philological Museum *
An Analytical Bibliography of On-Line Neo-Latin Texts -- Dana F. Sutton, The University of California, Irvine.
University of Seville, Fondos Digitalizados del la Universidad de Sevilla * -- The Main Catalog
Ballantius, Lucius * -- Defensio astrologiae contra Ioannem Picum Mirandulam
Junctinus *-- Speculum astrologiae
Ibn Ezra *-- Book of Nativities: Not the Book of Nativities and Their Revolutions but another Latin work on nativities attributed to him
Regiomontanus or Ioannis de Monte Regio * -- Tabulae directionum profectionumque
Ptolemy, Hermes, Bethem, Zahel, Masha'allah
Stadius Ephemerides *
The Warburg Institute of the University of London * -- The Warburg Digital Editions, Astrological Works.
WDB -- Wolfenbutteler Digitale Bibliothek Herzog August Bibliothek
At present I have not been able to figure out how to gain access to their online catalog, but below can be found a number of of specific online works from this library.
Haly Abenragel Ratdolt 1485 *
Leopold of Austria * -- Compilatio Leupoldi ducatus Austrie filij de astrorum scientia Decem continens tractatus
Cardano, Girolamo --
Commentary on Ptolemy and Other Works *
Cardano, Girolamo --
Opera Omnia. * This edition is not from the WDB. Library unknown.
Deborah Houlding's Study Library and Free Texts
This is an individual's Study Library and Free Texts on the Web.
* in Latin